CPU benchmark: PXA270, PXA320, Tegra 2

Nov 10, 2010 | English
Date Nov 10, 2010
Language English

In this product demo video we show you CPU performance benchmark with movie trailer on Colibri PXA270 (520MHz), Colibri PXA320 (806MHz) and Colibri Tegra 2 (1.0GHz) System on Modules (SoM). The results of the test are as below;

  1. SoM used: Colibri PXA270, powered by 520MHz Marvell XScale Arm Processor Result: Running between 60-70% CPU load during movie trailer playback
  2. SoM used: Colibri PXA320, powered by 806MHz Marvell XScale Arm Processor Result: Running at 30% CPU load during movie trailer playback
  3. SoM used: Colibri T20, powered by 1.0GHz NVIDIA Dual Core Arm Cortex A9 Processor Result: Running at a maximum 40MHz during the playback of movie trailer, equating to less than 4% total CPU load
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